real estate team

What is the deal with real estate teams?

I’ve shared my life with my athletic, sports-loving husband for over 23 years. Speaking as a person who is not athletic (that’s putting it mildly) and not sport savvy at all (I once asked Jason “What does the quarterback do when he isn’t throwing the ball?” I did not realize that there is an offense and defense and they come on and off the field during a football game), I have come to love teams.

Teams are awesome. You wear purple (or red…or maybe even gold and black! ) when you’re supporting your favorite football team. You cheer for your child at their soccer game. You might be on a team at work. Even your family is a team.

Real estate teams started forming years ago and each team has a very different feel. Most real estate teams only feature the team leader. It’s hard to figure out how many agents are on the team and who they are. That’s part of the mystery of teams. What’s really going on behind the curtain?

We’re a different kind of team. We don’t have a curtain.

You can learn about each of us on our website or on facebook. We all post on our team facebook page, we all write blogs and attend community events. Each agent is actively promoted and you’ll even see their names on our “for sale” signs (shocking!). We’re a highly collaborative team and you’ll sense that in our service to you. It’s just a different model.

From a buyer or seller perspective, working with our team is great. You have your individual realtor who works with you daily. But our team also has a full time Project Manager/COO (Creator of Order). She manages the files, our paperwork, keeps us reminded about important deadlines and even manages some of our marketing efforts. This frees up our time to devote to our clients. If one of us goes on vacation or is sick, we’re all here to assist you in her absence. So even though you have one main contact, we’re all here to help you get to settlement.

When you hire us, we take that very seriously. We feel grateful that you chose us to be on your team during one of the most important times in your life.

Go TEAM! (I sound sporty, right?)


Slaughter Team Helmet