New Construction Walk Through

Blue tape. It's not just for painters anymore.

Blue Tape New Construction Final Walk Through

Building a home is exciting. It's also complicated, scary, fun, exhausting, exhilarating....just like a lot of good things that happen in life. It's important to have a trusted advisor (aka: your real estate friend) by your side.

About a week before you settle, you'll do a walk through with the builder. As your realtor, it's my job to critique the finishes in the house.

So the walk through goes like this:

We all meet at the new house. By "we" I mean the buyers, the builder's project manager and me. I bring coffee for everyone. That's important. We need to stay caffeinated but more importantly, we want the project manager to be our friend.

Next, the project manager explains the walk through process and warranty information. Then the walk through begins.

Let the blue tape fly!
(Sometimes, I bring my own blue tape. Builders love that!!! Not.)

We walk through the house, usually starting on the top level and working our way down. In these pics, you can see we found issues with kitchen hardware that was not level, trim on the kitchen cabinets that needed some adjustment and normal drywall issues in the stairwell.

There was a lot more blue tape all over the house. The buyer's were a little shy about bringing things up during the walk through. That's why I'm there. I'm happy to speak up for you and ask that things be cleaned up.

Call us if you're thinking about building a new home. We're really good with blue tape.

- Wendy